
Growing Cacti as Houseplants


Wish to exercise your inexperienced thumb this winter? Make an effort growing cacti as houseplants. Desert cacti are suitable to the majority of indoor settings, where the relative humidity is somewhat low (20 to 40 percent) throughout the winter.

Accurate cacti, a kind of succulent, are native to the Unites states. Many types may be grown as houseplants, each different in size, color, shape, and flowering behavior. Among the most popular types will be the star plant -- more precisely a cactus --, golden barrel, old man, bishop's cap, bunny the ears, rat-tail, pincushion, Turk's cover, and ball cactus.
Just about all cacti purchased at flower shops, garden stores, florists, and grocery and discount stores prefer a growing space with plenty of sunlight. Cacti grown on windowsills facing south usually flourish. The next best exposure is light from an east or western window, since it provides direct sun for part of the day.

A large number of gardeners think there may be too little light in our area during the winter, but this is not the case. With snow cover, more light is mirrored during the winter than penetrates through shade trees and shrubs about the home in summer season.

In the event you just don't have enough light, you can supplement it with manufactured lighting. Be aware of the spot-type plant lights, as they may get too hot and burn the plants if closer than 6 inches roughly. A large number of use tube plant lamps, or simply daylight or natural light fluorescent pontoons, hung 6 inches or so over plant surfaces. Use plant lighting, on timers, for 12 to 16 hours a day.

You can place the plants outdoors in summer time, just don't move them from lower light inside into direct full sunshine outdoors, and don't let them get watersoaked during rainy weather.

Perhaps the key trick to growing cacti is proper watering, and this varies with time of year or alternatively if the rose is actively growing. Many cacti have been killed from overwatering during the winter, including mine. If the weather is cloudy, or even predicted to be cloudy, don't water. If perhaps uncertain whether the ground is dry, don't normal water.

When watering actively growing plants (usually spring and summer), water well, allowing excess water to drain. If pots are in a saucer, empty the water out. During winter when plants generally take a break, water very little--perhaps once every couple several weeks or even once a month. Then, apply only a tiny amount to soften the soil area around the roots.

Maintain the temperature during the development period (usually spring and summer) at 60 certifications (F) at night and 10-15 degrees warmer during the day. Through the figé period (usually fall and winter), reduce the heat to 45 to fifty-five degrees. If almost all of your rooms are warmer than this, then place your cacti near a windows (but not touching it) where the temperature may be five to twelve degrees cooler than in the middle of the area.

Fertilize the cacti repeatedly during the growth period with a liquid fertilizer. Make use of a complete balanced fertilizer, or look for a fertilizer labelled for cacti and succulents. For any general houseplant fertilizer, just use one-quarter of the label amount, every other watering.

When repotting, use a soil mixture prepared and sold for cacti. Or make your own in one part rough builder's sand, one part loam soil, and one part peat moss. Following repotting, don't water for a couple weeks to avoid any rots on roots damaged during repotting.
Finally, if you clean against your cactus and get a few spines stuck in your hands, use heavy duty video tape (sticky side to the spines) to pull them out.

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